Batch Technologies

Simpli-File your life.
Batch Technologies provides Windows applications intended for speeding up common tasks that often take a long time without the help of our software. We provide batch solutions that can make hour long tasks take only seconds. All of our software is ABSOLUTELY FREE TO TRY with no expiration! For more information, please visit our company info and privacy policy pages.
Simpli-File Split and Merge 1.6.0
Do you have lists that you need to split up or many files that you want to put into one? This might be the perfect program for you. Simpli-File Split & Merge is the easiest way to split or merge as many files as you need to in order to get your computer arranged the way you want it...
Simpli-File Renamer 1.6.0
One of the most daunting tasks in computer organization can be renaming your files and folders. Windows has not set up an easy way to do so. Simpli-File Renamer will undoubtedly make your life easier when trying to accomplish this task...
Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert 1.6.0
Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert allows you to Find and Replace text in files as well as Insert text into files in a batch process (all at once). When you have many files that you need to change a certain text in, you can do so with a few button clicks instead of opening each file and doing it manually...
Simpli-File Backup 1.4.3
Need to backup your files or schedule backups to occur in intervals? With this program you can create local or FTP backups, schedule them to occur at intervals of your choice, restore them or just open them with a zip program! Simpli-File Backup does it all! The scheduler runs in the background while you work or play so you can set it up and leave it alone! You can even set the program to run at Windows startup so you never have to worry about losing your files and never have to deal with it if you so desire...
Simpli-File Statistics 1.1.3
Are you a statistics nut? There is an easy way now to get statistical information about files and folders on your computer. Just choose a directory and this program will spit out tons of information about the files and subfolders in that directory...
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